Sindy tells us about her life and her experience at Casa Sofia
1. My name is Sindy Lorena Jacinto Borja, I was born in El Carrizal village, San Jacinto Chiquimula. I am the 6th Daughter of Gumercinda Borja and Manuel Jacinto, I have 1 brother and 4 sisters. At the age of 13 I finished sixth grade, in that same year my father died. However, my mother supported me morally and financially so that I could continue my studies.
At the age of 17, I traveled to Guatemala City to continue my studies at a diversified level at the La Preciosa Sangre Training Center. Said study center was founded by Hna. Mary Faye Hellman and supported by the religious congregation "Sisters of the Precious Blood".
2. In 2014, I met Sr. Joyce Kahle and Sr. Theresa Walter, members of the "Sisters of the Precious Blood" congregation, founders of the "Casa Sofía" project, this project supports young women from rural areas of the country with lodging, technical resources and food, who wish to continue their university studies. My desire was to continue with my academic training, so I requested to be part of the project, I entered on September 28, 2015 and I graduated in 2022.
3. I studied Social Work at the University of San Carlos in Guatemala. I decided to study this career, because I was shocked to learn the rates of poverty and inequality of opportunities that exists in Guatemala, the most disadvantaged being the population in rural areas. For what I considered that, from the Social Work Profession, I could contribute through awareness of rights, promote organization and community participation.
4. My stay at “Casa Sofía” was fruitful, it contributed significantly to my academic and personal growth.
5. "Casa Sofía" supported me with a dignified space to decide, I felt like a family, safe, responsible for my personal and academic training.
6. Being in "Casa Sofía" I learned to live together and respect cultural-personal diversity. Recognize-respect in myself and in others the dignity that one has as a person. Practice sisterhood, empathy, openness to new life processes and healthy coexistence with fellow residents.
7. I feel grateful to God, because he has manifested himself in different forms and people who accompanied and were part of this process of professional and personal formation. I also feel committed to sharing, transmitting what I have learned, so that more people benefit from what I have received and also learn from them.
8. Living in an apartment is a challenge and an opportunity. Challenge, because there is distance from "Casa Sofía". However, it is an opportunity to be with yourself, socialize with new people or groups and be financially responsible, this contributes to personal growth.
9. I want women in rural areas to believe in the capacity they have, that they can make great changes in their lives and in the world. Unattainable dreams do not exist, because if they dream it is because they are capable of achieving them. The key is to take the first step, to prioritize academic and personal training. May the fear of what is different be a sign of impulse, to venture out to live life and learn from it.